Meditation and the creative arts are practices, something to be called forth time and again. With each session or workshop, there is a wonderful opportunity to connect with the self.
I have been an instructor of a variety of creative and empowering arts for over 40 years. After receiving my MFA, I began a career of making and teaching photography while exploring methods of unique books construction and other creative processes.
I have been studying instinctive meditation for the past nine years with Lorin Roche, who translated the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra as the Radiance Sutras, and Camille Maurine, author of Meditation Secrets for Women.
My intuitive practices include Reiki (Master, Level 3), and energy healing.
In bringing the skills I have cultivated over time to all of my workshop and meditation sessions, I encourage the highest calling in creativity and growth for my students.
With gratitude,
Kate Stapleton Parzych
Sundri Anand
photo of Kate by Nancy Gaeden